
Book Review02-06#Falk Tales from around the World 3

This book has 6 stories. There are The Bremen Town Musicians, Aladdin, The emperor’s new Clothes, Shakuntala, The Kangaroo and the Wombat, George and the Dragon in this book.
The Bremen Town Musicians was very funny story because 4 animals (donkey, dog, cat, and rooster) could not arrive at Bremen finally. And, they wanted to be musicians but they did not do music at last scene. It was written by Grimm bros.
Aladdin is one of the stories of Arabian Nights. I read and wrote a review on my blog already, I have not I should write about this story more.
The emperor’s new Clothes show abilities of self-decision I think. The king did fault because he could not decision himself.
Shakuntala is the story of India. This is like “Little mermaid” by Andersen a little. This is love story.
The Kangaroo and the Wombat is a folk story of Aborigine. This story showed because of shape of Kangaroo and Wombat. It is like Ant and grasshopper.
George and the Dragon is brave story in Roman. It is adventure of George, princess and a dragon. Finally, the dragon was killed by people. I think this story is like “Yamatano orochi” in Japan.
[202 words]

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