
Book Review 1-06: [Folk Tales From Around the World #Book 5]

This book has the 5 stories.
-Puss in Boots
-The Snow Queen
-Apple of Idun
-Aesop’s Fables

So, this is 3rd book that I read this serial. There are some stories that I did not know in this book. “Puss in Boots” is I know the story’s name only. Then, I can enjoy reading it. This is story of wise cat. But, the man who keeps the wise cat is happy at end by the cat.

I did not know about “Apple of Idun” This is a part of Norse mythology. Idun is a goddess of youth. If the apple of Idun is lost, the Gods will age, finally they will be died. This is a story over the apple and Goddess.

The serial has 1-5 books I guess. But there are no 1 and 2 books on the EIEN book shelf. I guess someone borrow these. I am look forward to return 2 books, and I want to read.
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Book Review 1-05: [Folk Tales From Around the World #Book 4]

The book has a story that I like the best. It is “The little Mermaid” There are other stories in this book.
-The Pied Piper of Hamelin
-The Fire Bird
-The Steadiest the Solder
-Beer Rabbit and the Tar Baby

Then, this book has many explanatory notes at the bottom of each page. It is the point that reader can feel easy to read I think. There are some idioms. I think it is very useful to remember it.

Well, I moved by the story of “Icaros”. I know the story already, because I like reading the book of the Greek myths. And, there is the song about “Icaros” if I remember rightly.
I recommend you to read this story.
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Book Review 1-04: [Folk Tales From Around the World #Book 3]

I found the book which I am pleased at the library. This book are serial, this is no.3.
The 6 famous folk tales is written in this book.

The stories are…
-The Bremen Town Musicians
-The Emperor’s New Clothes
-The Kangaroo and the Wombat
-George and the Dragon

I guess you know this tales. I like “The Bremen Town Musicians”.
I think the playing the music animals are very cute.

I like “Aladin” too. I watched the movie “Aladin” of Disney. I yearn for the love of Aladin and princess Jasmine.

This book is very easy to read because this book has only famous stories.
I think I will read this serial.
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Do you like taiyaki? So, my blog’s top image is this! Recently, I find shops selling taiyaki often. I went to “Taiyaki Koubou” at Hikarino-mori. I bought 4 taiyakis, normal taiyaki, taste of green tea, German potato, and custard cream. I like the custard the best. Why don’t you go to shop of taiyaki? There is other shop on the Hamasen bypass.
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