
Book Review02-13#The hare and the Tortoise

This is very famous story in Japan. The hare’s name was Harry, and the tortoise’s name Tommy. They worked with each. Harry thought Tommy was so slowly, and looked down on a little. They decided take part in the race. Everyone believed the win of Harry. But, Harry slept on the way because he relaxes his guard. Tommy was running when Harry was sleeping. As a result, Tommy won the race.
I like this book because it is very cute illustration! I think we should not do neglect whenever. We should try to be good faith if nobody sees to us. And, we can get successes when we try to do our best I think.
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Book Review02-12The fox and the crow

The fox and the crow were knew the wise animal by people in the world. The fox was wiser than the crow in this book. The story was a battle of intelligence.
The starving fox wanted a cheese whom the crow. The fox thought he will get a cheese from the crow. The fox praised the crow’s feather. The crow felt good. The fox said “Can you sing too?” The crow sang, and fell the cheese into the fox’s mouth.
I think the good talk have a bad things. And, the crow is not pretty, and it can not sing beautiful voice. It is important what we know ourselves.
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Book Review02-11The Sun and the Wind

The sun and the wind competed for victory. The condition was a man take off his coat. The wind tried to blow for a man. He thought he blow his coat off windy and windy. But a man felt cold, he was hiding in a house. The sun warmed him. Then, he took off his coat himself, the sun win the wind.
The sun and the wind were personified in the story. The sun was warm and kind, the wind was cold and cool. There are 2 quizzes in end of the book. This book was easy to read for me. I think it was enough too easy.
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Book Review02-10#The RUNAWAY PANCAKE

This is very cute story. The pancake was made by mom. She decided to make it for her family. They were starving. When she roast up the pancake, it runaway to outside their home! The pancake had mind. The family went after it. The dog, the rabbit, the duck, the cat, the goat, and the fox run after it but they could not catch it. Finally, the pancake was caught by a wise pig!
I like pancake. If my pancake will run away from me, I will feel sorry. But I want to be friends with it!
[97 words]


Book Review02-09#The Little Mermaid

This story is very famous in the world. I think there is nothing the sad love story expects “The little mermaid” This story was filmed often.
The little mermaid fell in love. The man was the human and the prince. He fell into the sea by a storm, she helped him. But it is not allowed love. She wished to be a human. She could be it by magic but she can not say anything. It is what she can not say “I love you” to the prince. She could not be the prince’s girl. This book’s illustration is very beautiful. I could feel I was in the sea.
I think the prince is fool. I think he should remember a girl which helped his life. I know this is the original story, but I like the same name movie of Disney. It was happy ending.

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Book Review02-08#The Jumping Frog

This is the first separate volume of Mark Twain. It was published 1867. He was writer of newspaper, he wrote funny short stories for newspaper.
This book has 3 chapters. There are “The celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County”, “curing a cold”, and “Mrs. McWilliams and the lightning”. And there are many questions about each story.
This book is shape of problem novel. I did not like this style. I read this book for uncomfortable because there are questions between story to story.
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I started to go to driving school. I dislike driving a car because I feel very frightening! I wander why my friends drive easily. Sure, I major the course of automatic driving only.
I try to attend hard. I want to be able to drive the car!
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Book Review02-07#Napoleon

This book is history of Napoleon.
He was French, and he was born in Corsica. He was a serviceperson and politician. He was very strong man; he defeated Europe except England after evolution of France. But he could rule over Europe only for 95 days.
I think Napoleon was very grate parson. I can’t know what his life is; I guess he felt fear always. He was killed by stomach cancer, but according to another theory, he was killed by someone. I want to research his history more when I read this book. But this book is difficult for me a little.


I did squabble with my boyfriend. Because of I was too selfish. I do not like myself when I say ill to somebody. But he was not angry. He heard me silently. He knew why I got nervous. He knew the best step to calm me down. He is younger than me but I can feel he is like my older brother when I am in some troubles. Surely, I made peace with him already!
[75 words]