
Book Review 1-06: [Folk Tales From Around the World #Book 5]

This book has the 5 stories.
-Puss in Boots
-The Snow Queen
-Apple of Idun
-Aesop’s Fables

So, this is 3rd book that I read this serial. There are some stories that I did not know in this book. “Puss in Boots” is I know the story’s name only. Then, I can enjoy reading it. This is story of wise cat. But, the man who keeps the wise cat is happy at end by the cat.

I did not know about “Apple of Idun” This is a part of Norse mythology. Idun is a goddess of youth. If the apple of Idun is lost, the Gods will age, finally they will be died. This is a story over the apple and Goddess.

The serial has 1-5 books I guess. But there are no 1 and 2 books on the EIEN book shelf. I guess someone borrow these. I am look forward to return 2 books, and I want to read.
[161 words]

1 件のコメント:

mangi madang さんのコメント...

Hello Anna!

Did you enjoy those books? It seems to understand easily, because those stories are well known even in Japan.
I know that the useful used to be reading English books.
