

I have not news! I am sorry so suddenly, I have not funny things recently. I want to say you good report, I have not so. Everyday is very normally. It is very happy, but it is tedium a little.
Then, I can feel tasty various foods because of autumn. I will write about foods today.

I find a web page about the foods all around the world. (http://www.geocities.jp/foodsoftheworld/)

First, I found the picture supermarket in America. What a Big package!! I think it is too much for Japanese people. I think the reason is American people is taller than Japanese people.

This is an in-flight meal. It is big too! And it is boldness! I want to eat it when I am hungry so much.

Then, there are pictures of the foods all around the world. If you are in interesting, why don’t you go to see this web page? I could enjoy this page.
[156 words]

1 件のコメント:

HUMBURGER さんのコメント...

Junk food id very delicious.
I can't help eating it!!!