
The litte trip

Today, I went to Yabe with my boyfriend. He picked up me at the front of my house in the morning. I took many pictures! I will write about the day with pictures.

First, we went to Mifune town.

This picture is “The Bridge of Melody”. There is the bridge near the musical college of Heisei. The ornament of parapet is like real trumpet. It is cute!

Next, we went to the Tsujunkyo at Yabe.

Do you know it? This is the old bridge for waterworks. It is famous that the drain water off from center of the bridge.
Then, there is a waterfall near the Tsujunkyo.

The name is “Grou-ga-taki”. It is very big waterfall, when we went to the basin of this, we poured a little water. I felt good. The waterfall is very beautiful viewing from the suspension bridge too.

The little trip was continued more. It is the Milk Farm at Mt. Aso.

This is like the zoo; there are many goats, sheep, cows, ducks, and horses. My boyfriend drank a bottle of milk, but I dislike milk, I just looked him. The animals are very cute, they are very friendly.
This is cattle.

The day was very fun for me, I thank him so much. Moreover, he promised with me “I will take you over to many place”.
I am look forward to go to somewhere with him.
[233 words]

1 件のコメント:

Maiko さんのコメント...

Hi! these are nice picture!^^Good♪♪

My relative lives in Yabe, so I sometimes go to there to meet them.^^

Kumamoto is very nice prefecture I think!!
